Friday, September 3, 2010

Reality Check

Quick Plot: It's reality TV, well- um-kind of. 16 year old BFF's Charlie, Keiran, Brooke and Hallie have been offered the chance of a lifetime. Their own reality TV show and not just that, but Charlie is going to be the star!!! [eeee--teen squealing commence] Well, long story short-- being part of something that public is not always great. Film can be edited to look like whatever someone wants it to look like...and Adults are not always looking out for your best interest (even if they claim to be.) Friendships crumble, tears tumble, and at then end of it all we've had our hard life lesson served up to us in a navy and pink platter.

Reality Check is worth a read. It was a fun book and the characters are endearing-- well most of them (one or two you will want to punch some sense into.) There were moments it was great and you couldn't wait to figure out what would happen next, or who was really pulling the strings.

All in all an engaging read and one that may make you question the bounds of your friendships. Could they take a reality show?

Backstabbers beware...


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