Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sisters Red

Quick Plot: It's an updated Little Red Riding Hood, complete with all the sexual implications of the original. Scarlet and Rosie March are sisters, normal enough girls except that they have watched their lives crumble around them as their grandmother was killed by a werewolf and they subsequently killed that werewolf, becoming hunters of the Fenris. In the book, scarlet is disfigured and obsessed. Scarred from the first werewolf she ever killed; obsessed now with killing other Fenris and preventing the spilling of innocent blood. Rosie is wistful for a life that was taken from her, and while concerned about hunting the Fenris, it is her sisters obsession, not hers. The march sisters know something is wrong and they follow the bloody trail out of the country and into Atlanta and the horrible truths and realizations that await them there.
Despite a truly terrible (and I mean horrible-- no good-- very bad) self promotional video, Jackson Pearce has delivered an excellent read. Sisters Red is frought with the emotional confusion and stress of growing from a child into an adult, coupled with the blood thirst of the Fenris and the stress of heroism. Knowing the history of the tale always made Little Red Riding Hood one of the darkest and most distressing fairytales. Because Sisters Red takes from that original tale it has the gravity of something that is both terrible and famliar.

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